већ неко време, Хана, све мање реметиш
синкопама, хармонију кардиограма.
али опет трепери, кад се сетим како си само
таласала боковима и прсте провлачила кроз косу, еј.
како си се само одевала, а ја одолевао тој вртоглавици.
како су се опиљци иња утискивали у витраже касне јесени
и у јасни монограм: Хана ...калиграфијом тајних писама...
док сам страховао да ће проћи живот без нашег сусрета.
а, нема смрти, Хана...
постоји само холограмска пројекција заустављене материје.
постоје регенеративни џепови универзума.
и постоји само жал да би чекање могло да потраје.
јер, нису никада, Хана, хангари мрака били отмена шеталишта
за твоје, кристалима опточене ципелице.
упалићу бакљу, Хана, у уједињеном краљевству
твога и мога сна. преламањем сунца у твојим очима.
и, у поверењу, кад све ове игре прођу:
направићу преврат и отећу ти то жезло непокорности.
и тако ћу те, свргнуту, разоружати пољупцем у врат,
да ће трајни настати раздор у твом аристократском срцу.
For some time now, Hannah, your syncope
Has been disturbing the harmony of the cardiogram less and less.
But now it’s blinking again, now I remember the way you
Shook your hips and passed your fingers through your hair. Wow!
The way you dressed, while I made every effort not to feel dizzy.
The way the splinters of frost imprinted themselves on the stained glass
windows of late autumn
In that clear monogram: Hannah…in secret calligraphic letters…
While I was terrified that life would pass by without our meeting.
But there is no death, Hannah…
There is only a holographic projection of stationary matter.
There are regenerative pockets of the universe.
And there is just regret that the waiting could last for ages.
Because, Hannah, the hangars of darkness have never been respectable promenades
For your dainty, crystal-studded shoes.
I shall light a torch, Hannah, in the united kingdom
Of your dream and mine, with the refracted sun in your eyes.
And, in confidence, when all these games are over,
I shall start a revolution and seize your scepter of insubordination.
This is how I shall depose you, disarming you with a kiss on the neck,
So that the permanent discord will arise in your aristocratic heart.
Has been disturbing the harmony of the cardiogram less and less.
But now it’s blinking again, now I remember the way you
Shook your hips and passed your fingers through your hair. Wow!
The way you dressed, while I made every effort not to feel dizzy.
The way the splinters of frost imprinted themselves on the stained glass
windows of late autumn
In that clear monogram: Hannah…in secret calligraphic letters…
While I was terrified that life would pass by without our meeting.
But there is no death, Hannah…
There is only a holographic projection of stationary matter.
There are regenerative pockets of the universe.
And there is just regret that the waiting could last for ages.
Because, Hannah, the hangars of darkness have never been respectable promenades
For your dainty, crystal-studded shoes.
I shall light a torch, Hannah, in the united kingdom
Of your dream and mine, with the refracted sun in your eyes.
And, in confidence, when all these games are over,
I shall start a revolution and seize your scepter of insubordination.
This is how I shall depose you, disarming you with a kiss on the neck,
So that the permanent discord will arise in your aristocratic heart.
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